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紧闭的双眼 - 梅文奋(Mai Văn Phấn) - 郭一鸣 汉译

梅文Mai Văn Phấn)




郭一鸣 (Guo Yiming - Quách Nhất Minh)






                                   (Nguyễn Tiến Văn 英译)






About the translator

Guo Yiming is currently a sophomore in English Language and Literature at Hebei University, China. Her research interests include translation of poem and Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language. And in July 2023, I gave a presentation on the dramatic language and translation of Hamlet at the Hebei Shakespeare Conference. She has published twelve Chinese translations of poetry. She is currently translating an English short story into Chinese.




梅文奋,1955 年生于越南北部红河三角洲的宁北镇。他在越南出版了 16 本诗集和 1 本《评论-随笔》。他的 30 本诗集在国外出版发行。他的诗歌被翻译成 40 多种语言。梅文奋曾多次获得越南和国际文学奖项,包括: 2010年越南作家协会奖;2017年瑞典奇卡达文学奖;2019 年塞尔维亚科学与艺术学院奖;2020 年北马其顿阿科·卡拉马诺夫奖;2022 年国际斯拉夫文学论坛 “金骑士”奖;2022年中国博鳌国际诗歌奖年度诗集奖(诗集《Улетел на рассвете》);2022 年以作家威廉·萨罗扬(William Saroyan)命名的国际诗歌比赛“我的心在山中”奖(亚美尼亚);2023年国际文学在线竞赛“献给你,奈斯维日,我奉献……”奖(白俄罗斯);五次荣获俄罗斯联邦金笔文学奖(2019年、2020年、2021年、2022年、2023年);等等。



Closed Eyes


With closed eyes the world appears unpolluted. The surrounding pure spaces are spreading and latticed. We see ourselves in childhood holding a bright candle in the church. The candlelight is filling eye-sockets, filling the hollow immobile gaps amidst secret verdant foliage. With closed eyes the forest resembles a garden. The rattan stems, the ferns and wild grasses take the shape of huge ancient trees. The needle leaves form a large canopy. The earth bee, the porcupine, the squirrel, and the bull are similar shapes… And I stayed motionless for a long time with my eyes closed. Even though my premonition had warned me, they were looking for a clue, fanning the wind, taking fright… With closed eyes we can see people and all things in justice and in a clear light. Pens and books, beds and drawers, knives and chopping boards, and the old bike were of the same size. Each human organ opens up with multiple strange eyes, while the venoms absorbed are permanently sealed up with no way of escape. With closed eyes you are not so busy as when I am with open eyes. But your silence makes queer resounding sounds, telling me that your love has penetrated the trees, the streets and houses, the gardens, the fields, and the rivers and springs… From now on we need not doubt anything until we close our eyes forever

                 (Translated by Nguyễn Tiến Văn)




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