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Mai Văn Phấn's poems, translated by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai, Nguyễn Quang Thiều, Phạm Văn Bình

Mai Văn Phấn’s poems



“Những chiếc ghế” – Tranh bột màu trên báo cũ của Nguyễn Quang Thiều



A New Nightmare


In a dream I was displaced in Ukrainian as a child,

When suddenly my tiny feet touched the border,

I returned to my hometown feeling exhausted and exiled

I grabbed my weapons, fighting all wars in random order.


The bombs and planes rush loudly against the peace,

Leaving a fishy smell of blood from lives on the ago,

Reminding me that my heart is entirely Vietnamese,

Born and baptized in baths of blood from head to toe.


Heartbroken, I look at the souls of the dead individually

Of all the winners and losers lacking human trust,

Crashed together to forget that wars hurt universally,

To prevent them from realizing that all wars are unjust.


I gaze at the sun when I wake up in the morning,

As coming out of an entirely new bloody nightmare,

Feeling the loss of innocent lives and deeply mourning,

Hoping to see a glimmer of peace reaching everywhere.







Your voice on the phone so pure and light


           A drop of water just dissolved

           A shoot springing up

           A ripe fruit just fallen

           A water stream flowing  


In the distance to the other side of the line lie fields, villages, carrying poles. Trucks, rising towers, deep roots. Your voice doesn’t cross them but makes them smaller, opening the doors that connect them. I listen to you thanks to deep roots opening up sacred layers in the warm earth, rivers flowing into carrying poles, villages prospering with rising towers, lush green fields on top of vehicles….


Continue speaking to me in vague sentences without meaning


In a few minutes you’ll put down the receiver; perhaps everything will struggle to go back to the way it was


There are only waves spreading

There is only an emerald green dissolving

There is only a gentle sweetness flying

There is only a stone bank quaking 


 (English version by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai and Jennifer Fossenbell. Reading voice: Jennifer Fossenbell.)


In Sokcho

For Ko Hyeong Ryeol



I am a bird flying here

In the strange nest, I hide myself

The window, peaceful lake surface

An intimate and stunning voice at dawn


In my closed eyes, the leave waves are spreading endlessly

Under Summer’s feet

Over Spring’s head


The snow begins unrolling a soft blanket

And Winter embraces my shoulders with it’s huge hands


(Zen Monastery Sokcho, 6/12/2010)

(English version by Nguyễn Quang Thiều)



My face in Ansan



In garden, the trees sheded leaves to await snow

The yellow tail birds are hovering around trees’ top

Drawing Kim Ka-Hyun’s face and mine


Looking down at a seedy meadow

A strange fruit  bunch in the garden brightens with red

The white stones expose at bottom of tream

And water passes them throught in whispers


Kim’s voice pervades flower scent of lavender

As the birds are perching

We will engulf our faces in each other


The wind blows coldly from Han river

And froze our faces in the air.

(English version by Nguyễn Quang Thiều)





Translator Phạm Văn Bình

Mai Văn Phấn's three-line poems

Translation version by Phạm Văn Bình





Treading on a Strip of Sunlight


I pressed hard
It couldn’t move


Hearing the Sounds of Pork-pie Pounding


The big frog
Popped out of its hole
Which had become narrow


Like Broken Crystal Sounds


Dropping the bunch of keys
Caused me
To change a lot of thoughts


By the End of January


The fine rain hasn’t come yet
Each peach blossom petal
Is falling down slowly


A Rotten Wooden Pole


It is carrying some dewdrops
On the top
As a crown


When arriving at Mount Yen Tu’s Foot


The mist spead thickly
So I had to look for somebody
To ask for the way to the sky


In an Early Morning


When going out to open the gate
I felt dazed
In the middle of two worlds


The Bamboo Broom’s Sounds After a Rain Fall


They seemed to be a crow’s cries 
Closely to the road surface


A Little Boy by the Lake


He had hardly raised his flute 
When the water surface


Muddy Water


When it went down
The alluvium on the field surface
Looked like a mirror







Raindrops are falling
Onto kitchen smoke
Whereas the dropping fruits are still unripe







The lotus 
In a quiet and deserted moment 




At a High Tide


The wind blew fiercely
The sky
Seemed to be closer to the water surface




Spring’s Buds


A buffalo calf
Is being absorbed in sniffing at young and tender grass
While its mother is going far away




From a Muddy Water Pool


A stork flew away
Leaving behind
A strip of purely white cloud



A Couple of Butterflies are Making Love


On a banana palm

Dew is condensed into drops



Taking a Rest at the Pagoda


When incense had been burnt 
For a while
Lord Buddha sat at ease




A Snail


It tried to stick out its tongue
To cool down
The whole ground




A Bell’s Rings


They are shaking
A bamboo-like rush clump
Which stood motionless in the whole Spring






The glass of wine offered to my deceased father
Was sprinkled onto the ground
Resounding with sounds





In a Spring Morning


The buds 
Heard children
Calling for one another to clear trees of caterpillars





A Flock of Bats


In a panic at sunset, flying
Pair by pair
The bats passed my dream





In the Mist


Wooden bell’s sounds were echoed
The river flowed





Lotus Season


Lots of sad incidents happened on the shore
But in the lake, the lotus flowers 
Still bloomed





After Cutting a Load of Grass


Entering the communal house to shelter from the rain
I saw everything
Still half-done





After a Bath


The weather
Has come into another season
The magnolia tree is getting older





Offering to Lord Buddha on a Rainy Day


A dried mud streak
Clinging well-balanced 
To the dress of a person in front of me







In Spring
They take a bath
Even in a dry place





At the Beginning of a Night


At the sunset 
A mouse
Ran across the road



The Eve


Into the ground, gripping the root-like feet 
Without looking up I still know 
That the tree’s buds are shooting above





New Year’s Day


On the path
Picking off a dried blade of grass 
I touched the tail of the old year





In the Morning of the New Year’s Day


A child’s stocking
I felt it as soft as ripe fruit





In a Rain Fall


With water, the garden was flooded 
A peach blossom drifted
As if it were running





Sowing seeds


After the seeds were sowed into the completely decomposed mud
Hardly had I made some steps
When the field was overfilled with mist





A river’s words


I have silently run across here for centuries
Please, listen to the current of water 
To live in a better manner





A Goat’s Words


Kindly open the cage’s door
Let the knife and chopping-board down
For me to return to my mount





Listening in the Night


The bamboo grove contorted itself
Like the sounds of firewood, resounding
In flames, bursting





On the Path to the Pagoda


The transparent dewdrops
Are suspending overhead
But who knows





A Morning at Sea

Early, the sea-gull getting up 



On a Humid Day


By moisture, the photo was blurred 
I seemed to see
My relatives in the next world





A White Daisy


The sunset 
Darkened it





In a Fine Sunshine


A fish
Lashed its tail
To swim up to the water surface





At the beach


Are rolling back and forth 
At the place the children have just played





Coming to the Garden


When I pulled grass
The sunshine
Appeared fast and fast





A Bird


It perched onto the garden 
Full of thorns
And overflowing with light





White Plum Blossoms


It got dark
I moved closely to the blossoms
To finish reading the page





In a Hard Rain Fall


The trees were all bent down
A bird’s chirps echoed from a distant place
I opened the window







I and a bird perching on the tower top
Looked at each other
Like two dots





A Glass of Apple Juice

After drinking up the juice
And then looking at the hill
I saw apple buds beginning to shoot

A Litchi Season


The first litchi bunch has been ripe

The woman
Is raising her hands to roll her hair



At the Statue of a Writer

A candle plate
After burning out


Absorbed in Looking at a Fine Rain Fall


When I stooped down
A snail and I
Reached the starting line


A Naively Silly Bird


When the bird flew astray into the room 
I turned off the light
It was still bright outside


A Tranparent Stream

Like lasies’ feet
The cobbles in lines
Are purely white


Still Like a Child


I stood at the veranda
Waiting for the moon rise
To have a better share


Spring’s Departure


Unable to catch up with it
I just saw
A thin veil of smoke



The rainfall
Has washed the firewood stack clean
And now the sunlight is appearing


Expressing Gratitude

The man of straw stretched out its arms
For the gusts of cold wind
To blow through


The Spring is Still Left Underground


The peach blossoms
Onto the apricot and plum ones







The currants



Delighting in the horse’s bell

Ringing at night

The currants unripe yesterday

Turn ripe

In the morning of today


On the farm the horses' bells ringing

The post-boys are riding

The carts full of hay...


Are the horses' bells ringing

From the Prince’s ride late at night

In the last century...


Or from the horse

Dropping its reins

To gallop through the night ...


I had a dream

Of sounds in the wind


And spreading...


My Russian friend picks off to offer me,

A bunch of currants from his garden

I am now savoring currants slowly

As if berries are horses' bells

Ringing in my mouth.


(Composed on Nhepxki Avenue in St. Petersburg, 2014)

(Translated by
 Phạm Văn Bình. Edited by Susan Blanshard)





A wind rise in Petergof(*)



The foliage

Suddenly rains down cascades of yellow leaves

People and doves

Hurry and run about in search of shelter.


The wind cleans each paving stone

Existing since the time of King Pie

Wind cleans each root of grass, too


The bells' ring leaves the top of towers 

And falls onto carpets of leaves

Around the monument.


The palace’s windows open suddenly

Queen Ekaterina appears with her scepter, high

Smiling she calms her people down


She will forever be powerful and attractive


Powerful and attractive!

That is the sentence I mumble

While looking at row of poplars

Together with white and blue daisies

Bowing down to the ground.


Saint Petersburg, 12/9/2014


(*) Petergof (Петергoф), or also called Palace of Summer (Letnhi dvores/ Летний дворeц), about 20 km far from the city of  Saint Petersburg in the West.


(Translated by Phạm Văn Bình. Edited by Susan Blanshard)



Tranh của Đào Hải Phong

The currants



Delighting in the horse’s bell

Ringing at night

The currants unripe yesterday

Turn ripe

In the morning of today


On the farm the horses' bells ringing

The post-boys are riding

The carts full of hay...


Are the horses' bells ringing

From the Prince’s ride late at night

In the last century...


Or from the horse

Dropping its reins

To gallop through the night ...


I had a dream

Of sounds in the wind


And spreading...


My Russian friend picks off to offer me,

A bunch of currants from his garden

I am now savoring currants slowly

As if berries are horses' bells

Ringing in my mouth.


(Composed on Nhepxki Avenue in St. Petersburg, 2014)

Translated by Phạm Văn Bình
Edited by Susan Blanshard





A wind rise in Petergof(*)



The foliage

Suddenly rains down cascades of yellow leaves

People and doves

Hurry and run about in search of shelter.


The wind cleans each paving stone

Existing since the time of King Pie

Wind cleans each root of grass, too


The bells' ring leaves the top of towers 

And falls onto carpets of leaves

Around the monument.


The palace’s windows open suddenly

Queen Ekaterina appears with her scepter, high

Smiling she calms her people down


She will forever be powerful and attractive


Powerful and attractive!

That is the sentence I mumble

While looking at row of poplars

Together with white and blue daisies

Bowing down to the ground.


Saint Petersburg, 12/9/2014

(*) Petergof (Петергoф), or also called Palace of Summer (Letnhi dvores/ Летний дворeц), about 20 km far from the city of  Saint Petersburg in the West.


Translated by Phạm Văn Bình
Edited by Susan Blanshard



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