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Entering Vietnamese house. Interviewed by Poet – Translator Raed Anis Al-Jishi

Entering Vietnamese house

(Interviewed by Poet – Translator Raed Anis Al-Jishi)






Poet – Translator Raed Anis Al-Jishi

"Đầu người trên những que diêm" - Wolfgang Stiller






Raed Anis Al-Jishi: What I need from you is to talk to me about why do you translate  and dose it affect your poems?


Mai Văn Phấn: There are many people talking about translating poetry into other languages. They compare this with a the bird flying into another dimension and another sky. Or a seed blooming in strange land. Some even said that this can be considered like a boat leaving a small river for the vast ocean ... Personally, I do not take this so simple. I have a viewpoint that although poets live in many countries and many cultures, poetry always has similar beauty and power. That power can be considered as the common property of the mankind. But what is called Poetry is not recognized by everyone, even professional poets. Translations of poetry is the way for me to verify my poetry in other languages and in other cultures. When my poetry thrives and flourishes in a different language, it has an enormous influence with my poetry writing. I can see little and simple but great things as they belong to the whole humanity. Translation has also made me more mature and more professional in the poetry writing.



Raed Anis Al-Jishi: What are the poems you think that it is good for Vietnam readers?


Mai Văn Phấn: About the most useful poems for Vietnamese readers like us? They are the poems revealing their aspirations and their happiness, as well as  sharing with them their pain and their losses. But there are higher values I always aim at, which are that the poem must open to readers a horizon for them to desire and fight for justice, freedom, compassion and for the magic that they may have never dreamed of or imagined ...



Raed Anis Al-Jishi: Did you find some  similarity between Vietnamese poetry and other countries poetry on ethics and culture?


Mai Văn Phấn: The similarity you have just mentioned is the separate dimension of poetry world, which includes ethics and culture. But there are many points to be discussed in a wide vision about what is a poetry world, because many people misunderstand poetry with philosophy or religion. In the world of poetry, the important thing is that poets need to create a beauty. It is the beauty that creates a light for every road for people no matter where they are.



Raed Anis Al-Jishi: Please take your time in answering my questions and add anything you think is important for Arab readers to know about you our your experience in poetry and translation?


Mai Văn Phấn: My poetry is always permeated with the spirit of Vietnamese people, from their history, tradition, customs and mentality of our people. Arab readers reading my poems seems like entering our Vietnamese house. We, Vietnamese people are proud and believe that house is hospitable and has its own attractive feature.





Biography of Raed Anis Al-Jishi


Raed Anis Al-Jishi a feminist and a human rights poet was born and still live in Qateef, Saudi Arabia, a city that breathes poetry, where he regularly attend poetry readings as a member in “Tmaem adbia” a chemistry teacher. He have had one novel, eight books of Arabic poems published and one in finch (Genèse de la mémoire passionnée) about the Arab spring and (Bleeding Gull look, feel, fly) in English.










Tác phẩm "Đầu người trên những que diêm" của Họa sỹ Wolfgang Stiller,




"Đầu người trên những que diêm" - Wolfgang Stiller
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