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GORZKA MIESZANKA (wiersz). Mai Văn Phấn. Przetłumaczył z angielskiego na polski Zbigniew Roth

Mai Văn Phấn

Przetłumaczył z angielskiego na polski Zbigniew Roth

Translated from English into Polish by Zbigniew Roth



Poet Dr. Zbigniew Roth





(Dla Ngọc Trâm)


Jak gorączka pali cię na swoim stosie

Ja też staję się popiołem

Gorzka mikstura nie może dłużej czekać

Trzymając Twoją rękę

nalewam czego żałuję 

do pustej miski...


O córko! Gdy mgła się rozwiewa

Moje trudności pojawiają się podczas zimnej nocy

Do delikatnych kwiatów

Do uwolnienia zapachu potrzebne są gorzkie korzenie.


Pot staje się zrogowaciałymi dłońmi

Wiosna wlewa się do miski na lekarstwa

Moja starość płacze cichymi łzami

Podczas gdy prawda eksploduje bez powodu.


Zastanawiam się, co jesz w swoich snach

Ustawiam miskę na oknie

Kiedy dorośniesz teraz do mojego wieku

Na dnie miski

Nadal może być burza.





(For Ngọc Trâm)


As fever is burning you on its pyre

I become ash too

The bitter potion cannot wait any more

Holding your hand

                           I pour

My grief into the empty bowl...


O’ daughter! As the mist falls

My hardship arches across the cold night

For frail flowers

To give off scent needs bitter roots.


Sweat becomes callused hands

Spring pours into the medicine bowl

My old age weeps with mute tears

While truth bursts out for no reason.

I wonder what you eat in your dreams

I put the bowl on the window

When you grow up to my age now

At the bottom of the bowl

There may still be a storm.


(Translated by Nhat-Lang Le. Edited by Susan Blanshard)




About poet, translator Zbigniew Roth:


He is an author, composer, poet with 64 years of experience as a writer, he has been writing since 1957 and celebrating his 53th anniversary in his work as a composer, he has been composing since 1968. since 2007 – Member of the Polish American Poets Academy based in New York, USA, since 2009 – Honorary Member of the Literary and Dramatic Group. K. Przerwa – Tetmajer in Chicago since 2012 – Honorary Member of the 83 Infrared Circle in Chicago USA, since 2013 – a member of the Polish Association of Authors, Journalists and Translators in Europe A.P.A.J.T.E. based in Paris France, since September 2014 a member of the Polish Society of Artists, Authors, Cultural Animators PTAAAK in Poznań and since 2016 a member of SAP Branch in Kołobrzeg. Since 2020, he is a Critic Correspondent Journalist in the field of Poetry and Song, Polish-Italian TV News. President and Founder of the SSAP World Association of Artists and Writers (on line and non prifit) Poland, the International Peace Ambassador of the World Literature Forum and the World Peace Ambassador of the World Organization for Peace France & Switzerland. In February 2021 he is nominated for the International Coordinator of the Panorama 2021 Festival in Poland.




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