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照片、水果和梦想 - 梅文奋(Mai Văn Phấn) - 郭一鸣 汉译

梅文Mai Văn Phấn)




郭一鸣 (Guo Yiming - Quách Nhất Minh)




















                                            (Nhat Lang-le 英译)







About the translator

Guo Yiming is currently a sophomore in English Language and Literature at Hebei University, China. Her research interests include translation of poem and Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language. And in July 2023, I gave a presentation on the dramatic language and translation of Hamlet at the Hebei Shakespeare Conference. She has published twelve Chinese translations of poetry. She is currently translating an English short story into Chinese.




梅文奋,1955 年生于越南北部红河三角洲的宁北镇。他在越南出版了 16 本诗集和 1 本《评论-随笔》。他的 30 本诗集在国外出版发行。他的诗歌被翻译成 40 多种语言。梅文奋曾多次获得越南和国际文学奖项,包括: 2010年越南作家协会奖;2017年瑞典奇卡达文学奖;2019 年塞尔维亚科学与艺术学院奖;2020 年北马其顿阿科·卡拉马诺夫奖;2022 年国际斯拉夫文学论坛 “金骑士”奖;2022年中国博鳌国际诗歌奖年度诗集奖(诗集《Улетел на рассвете》);2022 年以作家威廉·萨罗扬(William Saroyan)命名的国际诗歌比赛“我的心在山中”奖(亚美尼亚);2023年国际文学在线竞赛“献给你,奈斯维日,我奉献……”奖(白俄罗斯);五次荣获俄罗斯联邦金笔文学奖(2019年、2020年、2021年、2022年、2023年);等等。




Photos, Fruit and Dreams


Under-exposed photos, speed-ripened fruit and dreams that lose their wings before the rain, flow slowly against the current of memories.


A wind blows open morning fields, rushes into rooms full of blended dust and light, wipes sweat off freshly bathed dreams.


The origins are within the span of a hand, when you come back you have gone through your entire life, or you wait to reincarnate into the next life.


Those souls that have yet to reincarnate, visit worshipping places, fly aimlessly, then shelter in fixed idolatry.


Someone runs across the dreams, the fruit and photos, to recover what he lost, to feel each tear choke back and see the amalgam of each shadow.


Origins have renewed space, and a generation of young grass is spreading over old ground.

Souls stand at new angles opening to different lights, and in the moan of fresh dew, they pause and knock on each vowel.


Everywhere new streams are beginning to pour into memories, taking the photos, the fruit, the dreams, to turn everything into a voice last night.

                        (Translated by Nhat Lang-le)



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